
Family Life

Family Life
For homework please answer the questions in the textbook on page 14, section 4 a-f.
Do not give one sentence answers, but explain them by giving evidence and examples.

a, when do children usually leave home?
they do when they have a job: after graduate high school or university.
They have a part time job when they are high school and university students however, they can not make money to live by theirselve.so their parents pay for the rent. Even if they can make it, their parents do not allow to live alone because they want their children to concentrate their study at school and home and do not worry about money to live.

b,How many people live in your home?
there are 6 of us. my grand mother,parents, sisters and myself.

c,Do you have a head of the family?
Yes, it's my father. because my father make most of money to live. so he does not cook,prepare for dinner and clean it.

d,Who does the housework?
My mother does. she cook and clean rooms and laundry. she does all housework. I really proud of her because she works everyday ,does the housework and care about family perfectly.

e,Who runs the family?
My mother does. I think it is becasue most of mother in Japan have to buy food or things to live every day for family so they have to have money.

f,How many rooms do you have to sleep in?
There are 6 rooms to sleep in. It is becasue my house is duplex house.

2 件のコメント:

HJU Teacher さんのコメント...

Good work. Too bad your mother has to take care of everything. Does anone help her??

☆Shooting-Star★ さんのコメント...

yes, my grandmother does sometime but she cannot do this so much.