
Homework #4


1. Time is money.

Time is a valuable resource, therefore it’s better to do things as quickly as possible(Oxford English Dictionary)

I do not understand why it should be money. What does "money" mean in this proverb? I guess its money means that if people do not use money, it's no worth. There are money to use so time has also the same meaning. Time pass fast and we cannot do the same thing at different time. For example, as we are students and have many time so we can hang out with friends. I think this proverb has meaning that time is always limited.

2.A stitch in time saves nine.

If a job needs doing it is better to do it now, because it will only get worse, like a hole in clothes that requires stitching.(UsingEnglish.com)

I think it is the same as this proverb "Never leave till tomorrow what you can do today". I n my view, starting is really important to do something. People are always lazy so if starting is late and bad, people stay in this bad situation and it keeps to the end. For example, I always keep this proverb in my mind. If teachers assign homework which probably have 1 week to hand in, I finish this as soon as possible. it makes me comfortable. Moreover, I try to feel this again for next homework. this structure is like domino topping or blocks for me.

3.There's no time like the present.

The present time is a good time to take action. (wiktionary)

It's pretty same meaning of No.1 "Time is money" and 2 "A stitch in time saves nine". Time is never the same with different time. Time is always changed and people and situation also change with time. I think action has a proper time to do. However, we do not know when it is so we would better to do it now and decide the appropriate time to take actions throw doing it.

4. Fashionable late.

It means it is good and looks cool if we show up a little late to think about inviters. But it is for parties and not for business because parties are always pretty big events for inviters and hard to prepare for a party so we would better to be late. we give more time to inviters to get ready and not rush if we are late. what we call this is "fashionable late".
However, never happened in Japan I think. whenever and wherever people show up late is so impolite even it is party. I think First inviters should think about what time can they get ready for their party and tell invitees the right time. then they should do it on time. If I will be late for the party, I email to inviters about it. I think it is etiquette for inviters.


Homework #3

1. Do you judge people according to what they wear? Why?

Yes, I do. I know judging people by their clothes does not exactly tell what kind of person they are correctly. However, in my opinion, people do naturally and without knowing. if someone wear all bright color clothes or do unique fashion, I am in the habit of seeing them a little longer than others. It does not mean I am despising them. I think if they wear unique clothes, I think their inside has also different things with others. I am always finding something new or someone unique. then I also want to have something different characters with others. by contrary, I know it may be annoyance for them or they think it is prejudice.

2 Do you think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing when judging other people from another country?

No, I do not think so. especially I ,who is interested in another country, have never judge them according to their clothes. I think what they wear expresses their cultures. people think it is interested in another countries and people there because they have different things with us. I hope Japanese society does not these things and does not let foreigners to care about clothes.

3. What colors are you wearing now? Do they reflect your mood?

I am wearing gray clothes on the top. I think it is comfortable for me and it is important now because I am trying to sleep now so if it is bright color and let me excited, I would not be able to sleep and it tries to me awake.

Preparation for Next Class

1. What are some subjects that you will never discuss with a friend?

I may be unable to say "never" but I can not discuss My Best Friend to my friend. I may discuss this only with really close friend who think we are best friend. I think it is very complex feeling and topic for especially girls. for example, if I talk about my best friend to my friend who I do not think she is not my best friend, and if she thinks I am her best friend, she must feel sad and mad. on the other hand, I try to say "you are my best friend" but she does not think so, both I and she feel so uncomfortable and the friendship with her fragile after that so I do not want to have that kinds of trouble. therefor, I do not want to discuss about it with my friends.

2. Do you have different friends for different parts of your life? If so, how are they different to you? Do you talk about different things? Go to different places? Give me some examples.

Yes, I do. because if every my friends have a resemble personality, I will get bored. I can spend a good time to hang out many times with each of my friends having different character and merit. I also think we will be a close friends if we have something same or the same opinion even if it is a little part of myself.
For example,
  1. I love reading books and one of my friend does, too. so I am excited sharing our opinion of books we read with her.
  2. I and one other friend have the same fashion sense so we often go shopping and give advice to clothes in the store.
  3. I and one other friend love learning foreign language so we go to some international event togather.